A PEPYSIAN GARLAND - online book

Black-letter Broadside Ballads Of The years 1595-1639

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2   [F]ine Beauer Castle is a place,
that welcome giues to all, [B]y which the Earle of Rutland gaines
the loues of great and small: [His] Countesse of like friendlinesse,
[d]oth beare as free a mind: [And] so from them both rich and poore,
[do] helps and succour find.
3   [Amo]ngst the rest were Witches three,
[th]at to this Castle came, [Call'd] Margaret and Phillip Flower,
[ol]d Ioane their Mothers name: [Wh]ich Women dayly found reliefe,
[an]d were contented well: [And] at the last this Margret was,
[invit]ed there to dwell.
4   [She to]oke vnto such houshold charge,
[as] vnto her belongd, [Yet s]he possest with fraud and guile,
[her] place and office wrongd; [She s]ecretly purloyned things
[vnt]o her mother home: [And at] vnlawfull howers from thence,
[wou]ld nightly goe and com.
5   [And wh]en the Earle & Countesse heard,
[and all h]er dealings knew, [They grie]ued much that she should proue,
[vnto them] so vntrue. And so discharg'd her of the house,
therein to come no more: For of heer lewd and filching prankes,
of proofes there were some store.
6   And likewise that her Mother was,
a woman full of wrath, A swearing and blaspheming wretch, forespeaking sodaine death:
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